Aalborg, situated in the northern part of Denmark, has undergone a massive transformation into being a modern city leading in science, green technology, arts and culture. As an example of how Aalborg is using music culture to redefine itself and to attract new and younger citizens and building further investments in the city, Aalborg took a leap forward in 2014 with the opening of “Musikkens Hus”, a state-of-the-art concert hall to host the Aalborg Symphonic Orchestra, The Royal Academy of Music and other high-level educations within music.
With Aalborg’s unmistakable industrial history together with an attractive modernized waterfront, the city has a unique topography. Coexisting with buildings from the city’s industrial past, continuous investments has been made in elite venues to pave the way for a vibrant live music scene of a diverse mass of talented DIY music artists, promoters, and a network of small-scale music entrepreneurs.
While Aalborg is not the typical music city with a recognized music tradition, it is an example of how emerging young artist and an aim to create a more sustainable music ecosystem has become part of strategic city development to utilize the best of what music has to offer.